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Digital basemaps for the computer database of the joint russian-finnish -norwegian project on ecogeochemical mapping in the eastern barents in 1999-2003.

Из материалов международной конференции " Интеркарто - 6 " ( г. Апатиты, 22-24 августа 2000 г.).

Bogatyrev I, Yegorov A, Chekushin V, Zhdanova L, Lavretsova A, Tenhola M,
Korhonen J, Reimann C
State Company Mineral , St. Petersburg
Geological Survey of Finland, Kuopio
Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim

In 1999, State Company Mineral , Geological Surveys of Finland and Norway start the joint Russian - Finnish - Norwegian project on ecogeochemical mapping in the Eastern Barents Region. Project area includes Finland and Norway territories to the East from 240E, Republic of Karelia, Murmansk, Leningrad and Arkhangelsk regions, the Northern part of Komi Republic, Barents Sea shelf area and Finnish Gulf of the Baltic Sea. The geochemical baseline study in the region will give the authorities and other involved interests a basis for assessing the existing state of the environment and for distinguishing impact due to new developments from those of older date. Comparing results of ecogeochemical mapping of the land areas with existing data from the sea shelf territory will allow estimating the influence of human activities on the continent on the sea shelf sediments. During this project, it is planned to conduct multimedia sampling of vegetation, different soil horizons and stream water with an average density of 1 point per 1000 km2. Preliminary detailed sampling was carried out in 1999 at 9 small catchments of 20-40 km2 size disposed in different natural zones of the project area in Russia, Norway and Finland. Main aims of this work were to check out sampling and analytical methods, to select sampling medias and to train field teams for the future regional sampling in the year 2000 (Tenhola et.al., 2000) In addition to the new project data, existing results of the formely conducted ecogeochemical investigations will be involved into the data processing and interpretation, such as results of the joint Russian - Norwegian - Finnish Kola ecogeochemistry project in 1994-1997 (Reimann et.al., 1997), and some others. Results of the sea water and sea bottom sediments sampling from adjacent Baltic and Barents sea areas from different sources will be involved also. Total amount of data is about 18200 samples of different types with analytical results from more than 4500 sample sites.

The complex computer database has been worked out to store and manage such a big volume of heterogenous information. It contains both analytical data with samples field description from different sources and spatial background information in digital form, named as basemaps. Information structure and software of this system are developed on the base of Databank for the Geological Media State Monitoring in Murmansk region (Glazneva et.al., 1999) after a number of modifications according to the purposes of this international project.

Digital model of basemaps includes many layers of special and general purpose spatial data. It intends for complex analysis and interpretation of the ecogeochemical information in different natural, geographical, techogenic and other conditions and for the project work planning and plasing sites for regional sampling. The major part of these maps was specially compiled for this project, but some existing digital maps from other projects, which information is included into database were involved into digital model also. Depend on the density and distribution of related data, maps may cover project area whole or partly and have different scales. The Lambert Conformal Conic projection is used as a common coordinate system for all spatial information in database.

A large map collection at a scale of 1 : 2 500 000 has been compiled for the whole project area. As a topography basement, the generalized Digital Chart of the World (DCW) by ESRI, USA was used for them. A set of layers with special information is selected according to the tasks of these digital basemaps in project database. The major of them are: bedrock lithology, Quaternary deposits, soil types, vegetation zones, scheme of catchments, climatic data, geomorphology, bathymetry, different types of human activities, metallogenic zones and ore deposits, magnetic field, gravimery and others, more than 50 layers in total. All these layers have a common legend, which describes both topological and semantic features of map components. Map manuscripts have been compiled by big team of specialists, including main project participants and experts from different organizations. In addition to a big number of published maps, results of special investigations were used for this purpose. For example, a special map of the multifactor zoning by natural conditions was compiled for the whole project area after a complex analysis of five digital basemaps. It reflects correlation between vegetation zones, soil types, Quaternary deposits, bedrocks and tectonic structural elements. Together with scheme of catchments, it was used for plasing sites of regional sampling in the year 2000.

A set of digital maps at a scale of 1 : 50 000 has been compiled for each of 9 catchments, where training fieldworks were carried out in 1999. It contains a generalized topography scheme with relief isolines, hydrography and main natural and technogenic objects; bedrock scheme and scheme of the Quaternary deposits. As these schemes should be available in the international project, all of them where compiled from the map at a scale of 1 : 200 000. In spite of this limitation, they provide a satisfactory description of natural conditions for data interpretation in local pieces of project area.

A number of digital maps have been compiled for Kola ecogeochemistry project area. But regional maps of this project at a scale of 1 : 1 000 000 can be completely replaced by maps from current project in respect of both area and content. So, geological schemes and schemes of the Quaternary deposits at a scale of 1 : 50 000 for 8 selected catchments only were included into database in addition to the Barents project catchments maps (Reimann et.al., 1996).

Paper map manuscripts were compiled on special blank maps with printed out digital topography and geographical grid. Their scanned raster images were digitized by special program EasyTrace. Digital models after digitizing were complied by GIS Arc/Info. GIS ArcView is used as a user application for spatial data management in complex Barents database. It is started with special ArcView project from MS Access database and received it s table data using SQL query, which allow user to conduct complex analysis of spatial and table information. To make easier user management of maps and tables in ArcView, a set of special Avenue scripts has been worked out.

Ї Ahlsved C., Lampio E., Tarvainen T. ALKEMIA - a database and program package for regional geochemistry // Environmental geochemistry in Northern Europe, Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 9, 1991. Р. 291-296.
Ї Glazneva N., Bogatyrev I., Semenov E. Сreation of Databank for the Geological Media State Monitoring in 1996 - 1999 // Report of the Computer Department of the Kola Geological Information Laboratory Center, 1999, in Russian.
Ї Reimann C., Chekushin V., Ayras M. Kola project - International Report, Catchment Study 1994 // NGU Report no.: 96.088, 1996. P. 450.
Ї Reimann C., Ayras M., Chekushin V., et.al. Environmental Geochemical Atlas of the Central Barents Region // NGU - GTK - CKE special publication, 1997.
Ї Tenhola M. et.al. Barents ecogeochemistry - first results from a new environmental geochemical project // 5th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry. Cape Town, 2000.

Разделы, к которым прикреплен документ:
Тематич. разделы / Картография, ГИС
Тематич. разделы / Технологии
Публикации / Конференции / Другие / "Интеркарто-6" / 2000
Страны и регионы / Россия / Северо-Западный ФО / Мурманская область
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